Tag Archives: photos

Thanks-Vember 12

12 Nov

Today, I’m thankful we had the day off. I’m thankful for coffee shops and study sessions, and for late lunches with a friend.

But most importantly, today is Ryan Gosling’s Birthday. And I’m thankful for things like this:


And this:



…and this:

That’s all for today 🙂

My Desk

23 May

Inspired by the video “people and their desks” and by EduSuz, here is a picture of my workspace.

I can’t even call it a desk, because there are five pieces of furniture in the mix here. The black piece is an old vanity, which is theoretically my desk. My computer sits on our dining table because there is no room on my desk (it’s very small, and I am more of an “Einstein” when it comes to my desk. There is a filing cabinet upon which my printer/scanner sits, and behind the table is a bookshelf where I keep all my textbooks, notes, and supplies. The cabinet with photos on top holds most of the equipment that my business partner and I use to make natural beauty products – inside is beeswax, shea butter, and all sorts of fun goodies.

This “desk” space is temporary – in July I will get to move into our second bedroom and pull my actual desk out of storage. I’m excited to have a little more space to spread out.

Sunday I was having brunch with one of my friends, telling her that I felt like I was completely unorganized. She laughed and told me she thinks I seem like one of the most organized people she knows. I guess everyone has a different definition of organization!

My Thoughts

Just another WordPress.com site


between thought and expression lies a lifetime.

Teacher Post Script

Reflecting on my learning

PE teachers

Physical education in Finland and elsewhere

The Orca K-8 School Garden Blog!

Sustainability, social justice, and organic agriculture at a South Seattle Public K-8 School.

Continuous Everywhere but Differentiable Nowhere

I have no idea why I picked this blog name, but there's no turning back now

Learning to Fold

a work in progress

I Speak Math

Integrating Technology and Mathematics

Heather Wolpert-Gawron

Teacher, Author, Speaker, EdTech Advocate

Even From Here

Day by day

The Jose Vilson

Architect for a Hopeful Future


less helpful


Just another WordPress.com site

Teacher in Training

Just another WordPress.com site


Just another WordPress.com site

Elementary Thots

Thoughts on elementary education.


Theoretical and Experiential Journeys of a Teacher in Training


My journey of getting schooled